Welcome to Black History Month's Music
Rap Button Rap music has been around awhile --almost 20 years since the first D.J.'s started scratching and the first b-boys started breakin'. It all started in American cities, but has spread across the country and around the world and become so mainstream that even Vanilla Ice could sell a rap record (before he went into the fast food business).

Boombox If you listen to rap music, you're probably into hip hop, a culture that has its own fashion, fads, and vocabulary to go along with the music. Check out the list below, and see if you know what's fly, phat, or just plain funky.


1. 1555

2. Bag up          

3. Bamma

4. Wax

5. Kani

6. Furilla

7. Bite

8. Phat

9. Fly

10. Funky

11. Def

12. Fade

A. Standard of excellence

B. Contraction of for real, something that you know is true.

C. As in the hair style

D. Something that stinks, or something too hip for words

E. Great

F. The year the first slave ships came to America

G. A person who can't dress.

H. To laugh hard at something.

I. Copying or stealing lyrics from someone else

J. Over-sized hip hop clothes

K. Attractive, beautiful

L. Record album

Answers: 1-F, 2-H, 3-G, 4-L, 5-J, 6-B, 7-I, 8-E, 9-K, 10-D, 11-A, 12-C

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